Knots 4 Mary

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Would you like to learn how to make a Rosary of twine, cord or paracord? If you are serious about making good knotted Rosaries, this is your place for instruction.

This site is for Serious Rosary Makers! If you are looking for instructions on how to make just a couple of Rosaries without tools, this is not the place for you. However, if you want to seriously make a number of Rosaries and in a way not shown on any other site, please join me in Knots 4 Mary!

The Rosaries you will learn to make here are not like any other twine Rosaries I have been able to find. I have modified the design over time and use the best tools, twine and design to make a lasting high quality Rosary. I'll tell you how to make them and where to obtain your supplies and tools. I'll even show you how to make a display to hold your Rosaries for giveaway, but I will not sell or give you my Rosaries. You have to make your own.

The intent of this site is to share my methods of making high quality Rosaries so that you can pray and share with others Mary's Psalter.

You will find out how to make a 'standard' Rosary, and later find out how to make modifications and lots of other kinds of knotted Rosaries and prayer 'beads'. I have also collected history, instructions and methods of praying (not saying) the Rosary on our sister site: 123rosary.

So let's get started! I've broken down the instructions into sections. Visit the following pages in sequence - at least the first 4 sections - then as you like. You will need the basic first 4 sections' knowledge before you can proceed to the modifications and specialties.

The Basics

  1. The Twine, cordage, paracord, and preparing

  2. The Tools

  3. The Knots

  4. Basic 'Standard' Knotted Rosary


Modifications to the 'Standard' Rosary

Please note that the above Basics and Modifications include the methods that I have come up with for my 'standard' Rosary design. You may want to modify your design to have different spacing, number of wraps, and/or terminating methods. Once you learn the basics above, your own personal modifications are available.

Different Types of "Rosaries" or Prayer Beads

Specialty Knots

Other Things

I have given away well over a 1400 Rosaries and have fine tuned the process and designs. Please note, I do not sell anything on this site nor do I make Rosaries to be given away from internet requests. My Rosaries and prayer beads are made to give away at our local parish and some are sent to our local diocesan seminary. I have created this site to help you make Rosaries for your friends, neighbors, relatives, and parishes. Often while waiting somewhere, I will work on a Rosary and someone will ask what I'm doing. When I tell them, I can often interest them in a free Rosary and some instruction. Yes, even if they are not Catholic! Ding - another free Rosary given away and a prayer directed toward our Blessed Mother. (We don't pray 'to' Mary - we pray for her intersession.) (No you don't have to be Catholic to pray the Rosary!)

Our little parish in Northeastern Colorado has around 200 families, and the Rosaries keep disappearing over the 2 plus years I have been making them. So maybe they become gifts for relatives, for out-of-towners that visit, or for deanery meetings or county lady's gatherings at our parish. Maybe some people just like more than one color. What ever the reason, I'm still kept busy making more Rosaries! My hope is that my Rosaries are used to pray the Rosary at least once, and that they do not become a decoration for someone's rearview mirror. A Rosary - any Rosary - is for praying not decoration! (Do you really need to 'advertise' that you are religious? I have found that many people with a Rosary on their rearview mirror haven't been to church in a long time. Some don't even know how to pray the Rosary or what it is!) Be humble and pray the Rosary in your little room (another word for under a prayer shall, more on this at 123rosary). Keep your Rosary in your pocket or purse ready to pull out at a moment's notice. Corded or twine Rosaries work well in your pocket.


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©2017 Bob Snyder
First Created: 5/13/17 Last Updated: 06/09/19